Who we are |
Orange Foundation
The Orange Foundation is part of the France Telecom Group. Its objective is to favor communication and connection between people, with special emphasis on those who find communication and participation barriers. In order to do so, the Orange Foundation works with the concept of social techno-integration, developing, supporting and promoting a large number of social activities and projects of all kinds, many of them based on the communication opportunities provided by the use of new technologies. Some of the Foundations key projects are:

In this social task, striving to tend to the needs of those with disabilities, the work of the France Telecom Group is based around six clearly defined areas:
- Autism Spectrum Disorders
- Visual impairment
- Hearing impairment
- Illiteracy
- Education of children in developing countries
- Vocal music
More information at:http://www.fundacionorange.es
University of Valencia
The Autism and Learning Difficulties Group of the University of Valencia works on the research and development of new technologies in order to improve the quality of life of people with autism and learning difficulties. The Pictogram Room project has been developed by a team of experts in IT engineering, education, fine art, telecommunications engineering and industrial design, who have contributed with their efforts and experience in the creation of tools which respond to the needs of those with ASD.
Direct contact with people with autism is one of the keys to the success of the group, and the effectiveness of the applications it develops. People with autism have been attending the University facilities where they have participated, and continue to participate in the different research activities. Furthermore, the group members pay regular visits to centers and services where they complete a range of investigations and where they find their main source of learning and knowledge about autism.
More information at:http://autismo.uv.es
Adapta Foundation
The Adapta Foundation aims to develop and distribute new technologies for autism and intellectual disability. These technologies take the shape of technical support for these people and their families, or tools for professionals working in the field, helping them to achieve a better quality of life.
The Foundation has joined the Pictogram Room project by working on maintenance and distribution tasks, as well as the internationalization of the project.
More information at:http://www.fundacionadapta.org
Autism Ávila
The Association Autism Ávila is formed by the families of people with autism, working in close partnership with a significant team of professionals in order to develop services to improve the quality of life of those with autism and their families at each stage of their lives.
It develops a number of initiatives for early detection, specialized early attention, specific educational support both in ordinary and controlled environments, day care services and sheltered housing. It has been declared a public utility and holds ISO-9001 for all its services.
Since its creation in 2000, this association has supported the use of new technologies as a key tool for working with ASD and as part of all its services.
Autism Ávila also has an editorial arm, publishing a number of technical and methodological books on working with ASD, principally translations of publications in other countries.
More information at:http://www.autismoavila.org
Autism Burgos
Autism Burgos is a non-profit-making social organization founded in 1984 in order to promote the well-being and quality of life of people with autism and their families. The Association pursues this objective through the creation, development and/or optimization of the services necessary to respond to the specific needs of people with autism.
It works along the line of developing a permanent partnership with public and private institutions in the fields of education, social work and healthcare. It has close connections with other associations and key professionals in the field of disabilities in general and of autism in particular.
More information at:http://www.autismoburgos.org
Fundació Mira'm
Mira'm was founded in 2004 in response to the concerns of a group of families and professions with a common sensitivity and interest in people with ASD and their families. MIRA'M, FUNDACIÓ DE LA COMUNITAT VALENCIANA works to improve the quality of life of those with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)and their families.
The two main pillars for the development of Fundaciò Miram focus on:
- People with ASD, the purpose of which is for them to acquire a means of communication to facilitate their integration into daily life, encouraging the development of socialisation , interaction and communication, autonomy and adaptation to different social situations.
- Family support, the purpose of which is to assist the families of those with ASD in their life project, based on their own resources and strengths, attending to the their needs and demands, and facilitating the necessary support to improve the quality of life and welfare of all family members.
The general areas of action covered by the Foundations services are: assessment and diagnosis evaluation, personalised healthcare for each person with ASD and their families, intensive communication treatment for early attention and special schooling.
The Foundation is also recognised by the Valencia Health and Education Council as a specialist centre for people with ASD.
The main challenge for Miram has been, and is, being able to offer a lifestyle which responds to the needs of people with ASD and their families.
More information at:http://www.fundaciomiram.org
University of Birmingham
The Autism Team at the Faculty of Education at the University of Birmingham (UK) has also collaborated on this project, reviewing the pedagogical design drawn up by the Autism Group at the University of Valencia, providing their extensive experience in the design and assessment of educational programmes for students with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
More information at:http://www.birmingham.ac.uk
University Pompeu Fabra
The SPECS Group at the Pompeu Fabra University has collaborated on this project with the development of the musical engine, thanks to which music can be created in real time in the Pictogram Room. This element means that when the student moves his/her body, this causes changes in tone, rhythm and other musical parameters. This contributes to better understanding of the cause-effect relationship in an entertaining way for the person with autism.
More information at:http://www.upf.edu
MobiMEA is representing Azahar in European and Middle Eastern countries and reaching out throughout their global network which role is to raise awareness on the fundamental rights and needs of people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and to promote these tools aimed at the active inclusion of people with ASD, built on the social model of disability.
MobiMEA is making azahar more visible in many European and Middle East countries.
More information at:http://www.mobimea.com